IOTA/IOTA-ES occultation update for (95625) 2002 GX32 / G174701.1-354609 event on 2023 Jun 19, 07:04 UT Visible from Summary ------- On 2023 Jun 19 UT, the 109.6 km diameter asteroid (95625) 2002 GX32 will occult a 14.3 mag star in the constellation Scorpius for observers along a path across . In the case of an occultation, the combined light of the asteroid and the star will drop by 8.80 mag to 23.14 mag (the magnitude of the asteroid) for at most 4.570 seconds. This update is based on, astrometry for the asteroid kindly provided by the IAU Minor Planet Center. This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (, processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement. The event at a glimpse ---------------------- * Rank: 0 * date and approx. time of event: predicted path center does not land on Earth. * geocentric midpoint of event [JD]: 2460114.81496450 * magnitude of target star: 14.34 * magnitude drop [mag]: 8.80 * estimated maximum duration [s]: 4.570 * Moon: 2 % sunlit, 164° distance * Sun: 168° distance * rough path description: The occultation path -------------------- * approximate projected width [km]: 110 * 1 sigma uncertainty interval [path widths]: +/- 2204.10 * 1 sigma uncertainty interval [seconds]: +/- 57844.6 * 1 sigma uncertainty interval approx RA,DE ["]: (+/- 52.486, +/- 8.733) * 1 sigma uncertainty ellipse (major, minor, PA): (53.079", 3.705", 99°) * approx speed of asteroid's shadow [km/s]: 23.9872 * website for maps: Path Coordinates: No Lat/Long file for this path. Data for the target star ------------------------ * name: G174701.1-354609 * constellation : Scorpius * BCRS position with proper motion to date of event [h,m,s ; °,',"] RA: 17 47 00.9641 DE: -35 46 10.412 * GCRS Astrometric position with proper motion and parallax to date of event [h,m,s ; °,',"] RA: 17 47 00.9641 DE: -35 46 10.412 * position source: Gaia DR3 * standard error: RA,DE [mas]: (0.400,0.200) * V mag [mag]: 14.3 * Diameter [mas]: 0.00 * remarks: Data for the minor planet ------------------------- * general information: (number) name: (95625) 2002 GX32 asteroid class: Centaur approx. diameter [km]: 110 approx. diameter ["]: 0.004 distance from Earth [AU]: 36.31690 asteroid position offset in RA [mas]: 0 asteroid position offset in DE [mas]: 0 * orbital information: orbit source: JPL#4 date of fit: 2021 Apr 13 source of used astrometry: MPC, JPL number of used observations: 0 number of rejected observations: 0 time covered by the observations: 1800 Jan 01 - 1800 Jan 01 1 sigma uncertainty ellipse (major, minor, PA): 53.079", 3.705", 98.59° remarks: * orbital elements for (95625)2002 GX32 : Mean anomaly = 24.7682056802 deg Arg. of pericenter = 185.8684285328 deg Long. of node = 28.3109405005 deg Inclination = 13.9574240952 deg Eccentricity = 0.3731742599 Semimajor axis = 52.8812249806 AU Perihelion dist = 33.1473129837 AU Mag: H = 7.27, G = 0.15 Epoch of elements : MJD 60114.29479167 TDT (2023 Jun 19.2948) ------ occelmnt file for Occult BEGIN ----------------------------------- JPL#42021Apr13,4.57,2023,6,19,7.559148,-0.037273,4.745584,-13.538639,-0.104934,0.000050,0.001252,0.000001,0.000000 -113.5086,-35.7786,66.94,23.42,False G174701.1-354609,17.78360115,-35.7695589,0.00,14.34,0.00,0.0,0,,17.81016919,-35.7785546,8.80,0.00,0,0,4 95625,2002 GX32,23.14,109.6,36.3169,0,0,-0.268,-0.03,,10.8 0,24.7675,2023,6,19,185.8684,28.3109,13.9574,0.37317,52.88122,33.14731,7.40,5.0,0.15 2205.104,53.0787,3.7047,99,9.1714,Known errors,-1.00,-1,-1,-1 20230619_354609,59745.17 ------ occelmnt file for Occult END ----------------------------------- ============================================ Calculator (s): Steve Preston Date of update: 2022 Jun 15, 04:09 UT Steve Preston 7640 NE 32nd St Medina, WA 98039