The Homer F. DaBoll Award

of the International Occultation Timing Association


Tony Barry - 2020 Award Recipient

Tony Barry   



Tony Barry became involved in occultation observing in 2009 after attending a presentation by Dave Gault at the Western Sydney Amateur Astronomy Group. Tony soon became aware of the need to develop a low cost but accurate timing device for use during occultation observations as this would improve the accuracy of timings and also make high quality occultation timing more accessible to amateurs. Seeing this need, Tony has developed two devices to ensure the time-stamp accuracy of occultation observations:   
1. IOTA-VTI  - a Video Time Inserter that has time-stamps with GPS based UTC. The IOTA-VTI has become the standard of occultation timing to observers around the world.
2. SEXTA – Southern EXposure Timing Array is a GPS disciplined device and analysis App. designed to verify the time-stamps of any camera imaging system. The design of SEXTA is available Open Source – available to anyone who needs it, free of charge.

In addition to the IOTA-VTI and SEXTA, Tony has also the lead or co-author on a number of published papers in the field of occultation science.